
Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Mason Jar Grassheads are a fun way to celebrate Tu B'Shevat, the coming of spring or Earth Day.

Your children can use whatever materials they wish to create their fun grasshead faces. All you will need is a whatever glass jar you have at home, in any size, stickers, washi tape and decorations, soil and grass seeds.

Start with creating the jar. We used colorful washi tape and face stickers, but you can use any materials you want. Regular school glue will work for most light, flat decorations. Sharpis will be great too!
Link to our favorite face stickers (aff.):

After your jar is ready, go outside and fill about 3/4 with soil, then add about 1 tsp of grass seeds and water.

Water your grasshead a little bit everyday and watch it grow quickly! :)

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