
Saturday, September 10, 2016

Apple Picking at Gizdich Ranch

We visited the Gizdich Ranch Pik-Yor-Self apples orchard and we had a great afternoon!
Upon arrival, the friendly staff explained about the apple varieties and how to pick them. We grabbed a big bucket and headed into the beautiful orchards. 
Apples varieties include Red-Delicious, Golden-Delicious, Newtown Pippin and Royal Gala. They are in separate rows, and it is very easy to move from one to another.  
The trees are full of fruit and low, which make it easy even for a toddler to choose and pick fruit. We picked and tasted apples from the different varieties, tasted them and had a great time! 
On our way out, we returned the bucket, weighed our bag and paid for the apples, $1.65/lb.
We drove back to the main entrance, where they press fresh apple juice and bake fresh pies. 
The line for the bakery was long and went out the door, so while I was waiting in line, my husband and son were outside playing. They offer a variety of apple and berries pies. Since they ran out of the very berry pie, we tried the dutch apple pie with ice cream. It was delicious!
There are plenty of tables and benches inside, and a nice picnic area behind the sales barn, where kids can play.
It was a great and fun experience for the all family! 

Gizdich Ranch
55 Peckham Road, Watsonville
(831) 722-1056
Open daily, 9am-5pm

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