
Monday, September 12, 2016

Monarch Butterflies Observation at Ulistac Natural Area

Going out to the nature is probably the best thing you can do with your child. We try to go on short hikes every weekend, but this one was never on my list. A friend who lives close by suggested and I was amazed by this local beauty.
Ulistac Natural Area is known as the last forest in Santa Clara, and is a lovely spot to watch and count Monarch butterflies and explore in an unhurried manner. 
If you walk through the garden and creek area, you will see several numbered Monarch Observation signs. These particular areas are typically where you can observe the most Monarch activity while at Ulistac. We saw 3 Monarch and plenty other butterflies, bugs, birds and plants, climbed trees and smelled the flowers. 
We had a great time and we heard the Monarch population is usually more active, and even though we only saw 3, I highly recommend this hike!
The path is wide and you can bring a stroller. It is mostly in the sun, so choose a day accordingly, and don’t forget your hats, sunscreen and water.

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